Elbaite / Tourmaline
Elbaite / Tourmaline

Elbaite / Tourmaline

Sale price€74,00
Sold out
SKU: A570
Anjanabonoina pegmatite, Ambohimanambola, Betafo District, Vàkinankàratra Region, Madagascar,
Very attractive, slightly domed tourmaline disc with rich bright colors.
2.9 x 2.4 x 0.4 cm
5.1 g

Due to its variety of colors, tourmaline is probably one of the most inspiring minerals of all. Not only that it can take on any color, but also that crystals usually show several colors in a variety of combinations, makes it a versatile and popular collector's mineral. For example, there are tourmalines with a unique red-green color combination. Clear crystals are also often polished. Two to multi-colored gemstones are particularly sought after and, if they are of good quality, achieve top prices on the gemstone market. The best-known occurrences are in Madagascar, Afghanistan, Tanzania, Brazil and the USA.