

Sale price€265,00
SKU: A502
Coscuez Mine, San Pablo de Borbur, Western Boyacá Province, Boyacá Department, Colombia
Attractive specimen sparkling in the light with many narrow Emeralds, some clear with complete (end) faces, and excellent luster. Beautiful contrast between the green crystals and the white Calcite.
8.6x4.9x3.7 cm
135.5 g

Emerald belongs to the Beryl group (Mohs hardness 7.5-8) and, like most Beryls, has a hexagonal crystal structure. It owes its green color to chromium ions that are embedded in the crystal lattice. The most beautiful Emeralds come from Colombia, as the crystals here have grown in cavities, while in other locations (Brazil, Pakistan, Russia, Austria, etc.) they are found surrounded by matrix rock.