

Sale price€58,00
Sold out
SKU: A355
Zazafotsy, Ihosy Destrict, Ihorombe Region, Madagascar
Two larger dark blue Sapphires on matrix with very good sides; Depending on the lighting, purple areas of the Corundum are also visible; the larger crystal with a very good end face, but slightly below on the side with a small crystallization defect. The special feature of Zazafotsy Sapphires is that, like Ruby, they fluoresce bright red under UV long.
8.5x5.5x3.5 cm
203.3 g

The Corundum crystals embedded in the matrix are mixed crystals that, depending on the iron, chromium or titanium content, appear in colors from dark blue to violet to red (Sapphire --> Ruby). This is why even dark blue Sapphires still fluoresce bright red under UV light, which pure Sapphires from other locations do not.