Petschite (purple scapolite)
Petschite (purple scapolite)
Petschite (purple scapolite)

Petschite (purple scapolite)

Sale price€46,00
SKU: A284
Gairo, Uluguru Mts, Morogoro Region, Tanzania
Longer Petschite with weathered end faces, the side faces, however, are quite well formed and have a good luster.
3.0x0.9x0.9 cm
4.4 g

Petschite is a trade name for the purple Scapolite from Tanzania.
Scapolites crystallize in the tetragonal crystal system and belong to the aluminosilicates. According to, however, the exact composition of the mineral has not yet been clarified. It is mineralogically classified between Meionite and Marialite.