Wurtzite / Sphalerite
Wurtzite / Sphalerite
Wurtzite / Sphalerite
Wurtzite / Sphalerite
Wurtzite / Sphalerite

Wurtzite / Sphalerite

Sale price€165,00
SKU: A281
Mererani, Merelani Hills, Lelatema Mountains, Simanjiro District, Manyara Region, Tanzania
Very attractive medium-sized crystal of the very rare mineral with beautiful faces and very good luster. Transparent red in transmitted light. Highly recommended as a collector's item.
2.6x1.7x1.3 cm
8.7 g

Wurtzite (beta-ZnS) is found in Tanzania as a brown to bright red crystal and crystallizes in the hexagonal crystal system. On the other hand, Zinc blende (alpha-ZnS) or Sphalerite crystallizes cubically. In Tanzania both are called sphalerite.