

Sale price€38,00
SKU: A279
Uluguru Mts, Morogoro Region, Tanzania
Outstanding specimen of the layered silicate. Very beautiful surfaces and excellent luster.
8.1x7.3x2.0 cm
217.5 g

Biotite is a member of the mica family within the silicate mineral group and is a common rock-forming mineral found widely in all three major rock types - igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary. It is often found in the company of Muscovite, Feldspar and Quartz.
The color of Biotite typically varies from black to brown, but this can make it difficult to clearly distinguish it from similar metamorphic rocks such as Phlogopite. The mica group is characterized by its layered structure, in which the sheets of Biotite are connected to each other by weak bonds of potassium ion layers. This structure allows for perfect cleavage, producing thin sheets of the mineral.